Hello again.
First of all, I would like to say that I am very proud of Rhiannon for reading Wuthering Heights, because it is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE BOOK in the entire world and everyone tells me it sucks, which it doesn't.
ANYWAY. I have finished The Picture Of Dorian Gray, as scheduled. I have to report that I was extremely sad to see Dorian fall farther into a life full of despair as the book given to him by Lord Henry becomes his sort of bible. I also was disappointed with the way he acted with Sybil, by only judging her from the outside, making her feel special and then destroying her dreams.
The book became increasingly dark as it went on, and I found myself even more engrossed. 18 years pass and Dorian is still beautiful and youthful, while the portrait that Basil painted shows the signs of his aging and true personality. I find this an extremely creepy concept and somehow I get the impression that when this book first came out, it wouldn't be called an appropriate topic. In fact, I just looked it up and when it was first published in "Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine" in 1890, it was decried as immoral. Oscar Wilde later added a preface describing it as philosophy and art and it was then more accepted. You feel deep remorse for the way Dorian turned out but also sympathy because he truly is a better person deep down. The major theme I found here was the superficiality of society for the reason that it prizes beauty above all else, because even though Dorian is speculated about and there are rumors circulating, he is never really ostracized as he is beautiful.
I won't reveal the ending because I'm sure that would not be appreciated, but I will say that it involved Sybil's brother James Vane, Dorian's own guilt, and the portrait. It was very metaphorical and I enjoyed it so much that I reread the last chapter. Nerding it up over here.
Alright. So, last book to read before Friday. I've decided on The Scarlet Letter, because I bought it a while ago (coincidentally at the same time as I bought The Picture of Dorian Gray) and never got around to reading it due to school. I figured now would be an excellent time. I'm about to pick it up right now, so I'll check back later.
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