Friday 29 July 2011

Greetings, Earthling.

Hola. It's us, the ones you probably laughed at in the video blog. You know, with the mustache? Ya, us. Niyousha (short hair) and Teghan (crazy frizz hair). Anyway, you don't really need to know anything about us besides we are obsessed with Harry Potter and Severus Snape, we're 16 and live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We are probably the coolest people you will ever meet. Kidding, you could probably find cooler people. Like Snape for example, I'm pretty sure he qualifies as cooler than us.

So, this whole thing was Niyousha's brilliant idea, and we have decided to carry it out. 5 days, 3 books (at least) and blog posts from each of us about our experiences and the content of the books. We hope you enjoy our lovely ranting/blabbering and that you decide to join us in the expedition, traversing the galaxy on intergalactic travel to Pigfarts.

If you know where that last line is from...10 points to Gryffindor.

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